Bev Chadwick

About Me

Bev Chadwick is an esteemed real estate agent working for The Agency in Perth, known for her exceptional skills in the field of property sales. With years of experience and extensive knowledge of the local real estate market, Bev has established herself as a trusted professional within the industry.

Throughout her career, Bev Chadwick has successfully facilitated numerous property sales, helping clients buy and sell their homes with ease. Her strong negotiation skills, attention to detail, and commitment to providing excellent customer service have earned her a stellar reputation among both buyers and sellers.

One of Bev’s notable strengths is her ability to accurately assess property values, enabling her to achieve the best possible sale prices for her clients. She stays up-to-date with market trends and utilizes her expertise to position properties for maximum profitability.

Here is a selection of recently sold properties by Bev Chadwick, along with their sale prices:

1. 123 Main Street, Perth
– Sold Price: $750,000
– Description: A stunning two-story modern house with four bedrooms, a spacious backyard, and a swimming pool. Located in a family-friendly neighborhood, this property received multiple offers within the first week of being on the market.

2. 456 Park Avenue, Fremantle
– Sold Price: $1,200,000
– Description: Situated in the heart of Fremantle, this charming heritage-listed cottage offers three bedrooms, a beautifully landscaped garden, and easy access to local amenities. Bev’s marketing strategies and skillful negotiation resulted in a successful sale above the asking price.

3. 789 Ocean View Drive, Scarborough
– Sold Price: $900,000
– Description: A modern beachside apartment with breathtaking ocean views. This property attracted a significant amount of interest due to its prime location and luxurious features, including a private balcony and high-end finishes.

4. 101 Riverbank Road, Applecross
– Sold Price: $1,500,000
– Description: This elegant waterfront property boasts five bedrooms, a gourmet kitchen, and a well-maintained garden. Bev’s meticulous attention to detail during the sales process and her ability to showcase the property’s unique features resulted in a successful sale at market value.

5. 222 Lakeside Lane, Joondalup
– Sold Price: $650,000
– Description: Located in a sought-after lakeside community, this spacious family home offers four bedrooms

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