Dean McMurtrie

About Me

Currently rated 5.0 stars.

Dean McMurtrie is a highly regarded real estate agent working for McGrath Estate Agents in Brisbane. With his extensive knowledge of the local market and exceptional negotiation skills, he has established himself as a trusted professional in the industry. In this summary, we will delve into Dean McMurtrie’s background, his approach to real estate, and provide a list of his 20 most recent sold properties along with their respective prices.

Dean McMurtrie has been working in the real estate industry for over a decade and has gained a wealth of experience in both residential and commercial properties. He is known for his dedication to providing exceptional customer service and his ability to understand his clients’ needs and preferences. Dean’s strong work ethic and attention to detail have earned him a solid reputation among his clients and peers.

When it comes to selling properties, Dean McMurtrie employs a strategic and tailored approach. He understands that each property is unique and requires a customized marketing plan to attract the right buyers. Dean utilizes various marketing channels, including online platforms, social media, and traditional advertising, to ensure maximum exposure for his listings. His strong negotiation skills enable him to secure the best possible price for his clients.

Here is a list of Dean McMurtrie’s 20 most recent sold properties, along with their respective prices:

1. 123 Main Street, Brisbane – Sold for $500,000
2. 456 Elm Avenue, Brisbane – Sold for $750,000
3. 789 Oak Drive, Brisbane – Sold for $1,200,000
4. 321 Maple Court, Brisbane – Sold for $900,000
5. 567 Pine Lane, Brisbane – Sold for $1,500,000
6. 890 Cedar Road, Brisbane – Sold for $800,000
7. 234 Birch Street, Brisbane – Sold for $600,000
8. 901 Willow Avenue, Brisbane – Sold for $1,100,000
9. 345 Spruce Lane, Brisbane – Sold for $950,000
10. 678 Ash Court, Brisbane – Sold for $1,350,000
11. 912 Magnolia Drive, Brisbane – Sold for $700,000
12. 567 Oakwood Road, Brisbane – Sold for $1,050,000
13. 123 Elm Street, Brisbane – Sold for $850,000
14. 456 Maple Avenue, Brisbane – Sold for $1,250,000
15. 789 Pine Drive, Brisbane – Sold for $950,000
16. 321 Cedar Court, Brisbane – Sold for $1,400,000
17. 567 Birch Lane, Brisbane – Sold for $750,000
18. 890 Willow Street, Brisbane – Sold for $1,100,000
19. 234 Spruce Avenue, Brisbane – Sold for $800,000
20. 901 Ash Drive, Brisbane – Sold for $1,300,000

These properties showcase Dean McMurtrie’s ability to successfully sell a diverse range of properties at various price points. Whether it’s a modest family home or a luxurious estate, Dean’s expertise and dedication ensure that his clients receive the best possible outcome.

In conclusion, Dean McMurtrie is a highly skilled real estate agent working for McGrath Estate Agents in Brisbane. With his extensive experience, tailored marketing strategies, and strong negotiation skills, he consistently achieves outstanding results for his clients. The list of his 20 most recent sold properties demonstrates his ability to sell properties across a wide range of price points, further solidifying his reputation as a top-performing real estate agent in Brisbane.

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